OuR Services
coaching partnerships and professional Learning Services
Principal Coaching
A great coach is integral to thriving in the role of school leader- especially in those first few years. We provide tailored one-on-one coaching for principals to support them in setting and achieving their academic, adult culture and student experience goals. Thrive Education Collective’s “Principal Coaching” is a year-long partnership that leverages competency based coaching and data driven leadership to build principal skill as people and systems leaders.
Thrive Principal Coaches have all been principal themselves, with a track-record of ABSOLUTE achievement across the key indicators of school health: academic results and a culture of connection and focus for students and adults alike.
Professional Learning Services
Looking for something unique to the needs of your organization?
Thrive provides customized supports to organizations looking to lead change and drive academic results. Contact us for a free consultation with our team.
Excellent professional development can dramatically and rapidly elevate the quality of teaching and learning…AND, we know that strategically designed, context and goal-specific staff development requires capacity and exceptional skill.
Too often, organizations find they are spending significant time and money on developing their staff while getting limited results. We can help. Through our combined decades of experience in designing and delivering high impact professional development, we have codified an approach to professional development scope and sequence design, build, and delivery grounded in research-backed pedagogy and first hand experience on how adults learn best.
Academic Strategy Design and implementation
With the right strategy, an aligned team, and structures in place that support disciplined execution, all schools and districts can achieve their academic goals.
We partner with system and school leaders who are ready to lead their teams to breakthrough results in Mathematics and ELA. Our “Academic Impact Coaching Program” is a long term partnership that provides a proven and systematic approach to the design and execution of a winning academic strategy.
Best-in-class coaches with a track record of OUTSTANDING results bring deep expertise to their shoulder to shoulder partnership with a strategy leader and key stake-holders in your organization.
Hear from our partners